Default: Sentence case
This applies to everything from page titles and section titles to buttons and links

Title case = Proper nouns only

Left-align text in most circumstances, with the exception of empty states.

Text Color
For non-interactive typography, use only blacks and grays, no purples or other colors; this includes page titles and body copy. For interactive typography, use only purple, not grays or any other colors; this includes hyperlinks and tertiary buttons.
TL;DR always use bold
- Always use bold font weight
- Always use bold on 2 or more words, never 1
- Never use italics, underlines
- Never use color for emphasis. This is for links only.

- Use the larger Display sizes for marketing content only
- Use H1 as your page title by default
- Always go in order from H1 to H2 to H3 and so on. Never skip H2 or H3.
- Always use body 16px as the default text size
- Avoid body small and caption sizes
Captions & Labels
- Use sparingly
- Captions use case: legal copy
- Labels use case: intro text above a page title
Use different vertical spacing on desktop and native app.
(internal only)