Layout will adjust based on the following responsive breakpoints:
Width Range |
Device Type |
Breakpoint Name |
375px - 767px |
Phones & Small Tablets |
small |
768px - 1023px |
Tablets & Small Laptops |
medium |
1024px - 1279px |
Laptops & Smaller Desktops |
mediumlarge |
1280px - 1439px |
Laptops & Smaller Desktops |
large |
1440px - 1919px |
Desktop |
xlarge |
1920px + |
Large Desktop |
xxlarge |
Artboard defaults
The defaults below are based on user screen size data in Amplitude. To review for yourself, visit Amplitude for Desktop and/or Native app.
- Desktop: 1440px (Desktop)
- Tablet: 834px (iPad Pro 11)
- Phone: 390px (iPhone 13)
Scaling content
When scaling a layout for different screen sizes or orientations, the responsive grid adjusts margin and body widths as well as the number of columns in the layout. The body remains responsive to increases in size wheras the side bavbar is less dynamic - it is recommended to not adjust it’s size.