Not interactive, use to highlight information or status. Use pills to:
- Label an element (to name the element or the category it belongs to)
- Show status (active, inactive, deactivated, etc.)
- Highlight a specific marketing benefit (not more than once per page). E.g.: Save 80%, Fast & compliant.
Don’t use for due dates (when they’re not yet overdue), pricing information (unless there’s a discount, like stated above), general marketing information (especially if it’s long).
- Sentence case
- Ideal: 3 words max. In no case it should exceed 24 characters or ellipsis will appear.
- Avoid button-like copy, such as “Add contact info” or using active verbs
- Pills give information about a status, they don’t tell you what to do next
- Focus on descriptive labels that are concrete, clear and concise.
- Do: Active, Inactive, Terminated, Processing, Done, Awaiting authorization, Action required, Failed, Paid, Refunded, etc.
- Don’t: Send reminder, Learn more, Add contact info, etc.
If relevant, add duration info into the pill (e.g. 1 task • 2 mins). Do so sparingly, mostly around onboarding type tasks, and never exceed 24 characters.


Best Practices
(internal only)
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